Want to do fun things with your car?

This is the place to learn. From soloing your street car, to racing in a race-prepped car against 30 other competitors, SCCA has it all. And the Northeast Division has many regions, putting on all types of events.


You don't need anything special to have lots of fun with your car, and other auto enthusiasts! A car that is street legal, (although some classes can be non-street legal) a license (regular state driver's license), and a desire to learn how to control your car, and to have fun! There are even loaner helmets available (usually), so you don't have to buy one to find out how fun it is.

Just find an event near you (look at upcoming events, or click on the calendar to find events further in the future), sign up, show up, and learn!

Rally Cross

Mostly, rally cross is an autocross on dirt. Bring out those Subarus, and front wheel drives, and anything else in-between! No special car-prep is required.

Same as Solo, find an event near you, sign up, and have fun!

Road Rally

This is for the people who love a nice Sunday drive. Most road rallies in SCCA are Time-Speed-Distance rallies. You follow instructions, and are marked by how close to the optimum time you are. Usually using the nice, country back roads of an area. Sometimes, there are special 'gimmicks', or special traps, depending on the level and type of rally. Mostly, it's about enjoying driving your car with a friend.

Also very easy to enter, and enjoy the day!


This is usually about taking your street car onto a track, and learning about apexes, and brake zones, and how your car handles the corners. No times, no competition, and usually no passing, except on straights with a point-by. An instructor will help you learn, and as you progress, you may find yourself desiring the thrill of competition. That's when you are ready for Club Trials, Time Trials, Hill Climbs, or Club Racing.

There are many forms of PDX, and many organizations that hold them. Find a PDX on the NEDiv Calendar, or look at track sites for clubs that hold them. Most are welcome at any event!

Club Trials and Time Trials

Two levels of using your street car (or some prepared cars) to compete against other drivers and the clock.

Hill Climbs

It's getting a lot more intense. Still only one car at a time, but all cars need a roll cage, and the pressure is on to get to the finish faster than everyone else in your class.

Club Racing

Heart-pounding, inches apart, wheel to wheel racing! Now you have the bug, and want to see how you stack up against he competition. All cars are fully race-prepped, drivers have suits, helmets, gloves, and shoes, 5-7 point seat belts. It's time to get racing!

Are you ready to take that step from watching road racing to getting behind the wheel?

It’s not an easy process, but SCCA has produced more road racers than anyone, so you’re in good hands.

These are step-by-step instructions and guidance which will help you obtain an SCCA Competition License. If, upon reading this guide, you have questions or special requests, the Licensing Specialists at the SCCA National Office will be happy to help you. Write/Phone/e-mail them at P. O. Box 19400, Topeka, KS 66619-0400; 1-800-770-2055, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

We realize that you probably have many questions on how to begin racing. How much does it all cost, what tips are there to keep expenses in check, what options are there for obtaining a race car, and many other questions are answered in this free online resource GoAheadTakeTheWheel.com. There's also a free mentor program you can take advantage of.

It's very important that you become familiar with the General Competition Rules, otherwise known as the GCR. These are the rules that govern SCCA Club Racing. Rule books can be downloaded here.


STEP 1 - Join the SCCA

Joining the SCCA has never been easier, simply click here.

Next, you’ll need to go visit your doctor for a sports physical. You can download that form, as well as the Novice Permit form. If you are 16-18 years old and want to drive competitively or work in a hot area, you’ll need to complete the Minor Release and Waiver and Minor's Assumption of Risk Acknowledgment form (Form MS-L - MUST BE PRINTED IN COLOR). These are available for download, or you can contact SCCA to have one mailed to you. If you are under 21 and live in Alabama, Nebraska, or Wyoming, you will also need to complete the Minor Release and Waiver and Minor's Assumption of Risk Acknowledgment form (Form MS-L - MUST BE PRINTED IN COLOR).

STEP 2 - Submit your Paperwork

Submit the Novice Permit Application with all of the required documents and Novice Permit fee to the SCCA Central Licensing Department at P. O. Box 19400, Topeka, KS 66619-0400; OR you may obtain your Novice Permit through your local Region's licensing representative (see SCCA Divisions/Regions maps for links to Region Web sites). NOTE: If you are 16-17 years of age, you must apply for all Competition Licenses through the SCCA Central Licensing Department at the National Office. The Novice Permit, often referred to as a "logbook," allows you to enter an SCCA Driver School and later, SCCA Regional Club Racing events. Almost anyone 16 years and older, who has a Motor Vehicle Operators license, is eligible for a Novice Permit. Items required prior to issuance of a Novice Permit include:
1. A current Physical Examination* dated no more than three months prior to application.
2. Two passport size photos.
3. A photocopy of both sides of your Motor Vehicle Operators license
4. 16 and 17 year olds:
a. A completed Parental Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement form (original only, photo copies not accepted).
b. A completed Minor's Assumption of Risk Acknowledgment form (original only, photo copies not accepted).
5. If you are 18-21 years of age and live in Alabama, Nebraska, or Wyoming, a notarized Minor Waiver Release form.
6. $110 Novice Permit fee. *NOTE: If you have health problems, you must get the approval of the SCCA Medical Board. For details contact the Central Licensing Department at 800-770-2055.

STEP 3 - Prepare to enter an SCCA Driver School Event

Check the "Events" section of the web site, or click here to go straight to the "Driver School" page, which has a list of upcoming events at the bottom. If there is no upcoming event in your area listed, check SportsCar magazine or your Region's newsletter or web site for additional schedule listings. Call the phone number listed next to the event date that interests you and request an event entry form to be sent to you. Some Regions hold Drivers Schools only in the Spring, others conduct them year round; however, you may attend an SCCA Driver School anywhere in the country. To attend an SCCA Driver School, you must arrange for your own properly prepared race car. You will also need approved driving gear, including an SCCA approved helmet. If you do not have a race car, you will have to rent or lease one in order to attend a school. Renting allows you to concentrate on driving and also permits you to consider which class best fits your goals before you buy a car. Rental prices generally range from $500 - $2,000 depending on the car type. Contact your local Region's Competition Chairman for assistance in obtaining a rented vehicle.
READ AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE GCR BEFORE your first school, paying special attention to the section on Flags! This is where you'll find information about specific vehicles as well as equipment requirements and standards.

STEP 4 - Driver School Checklist

Upon receipt of your event entry packet, READ ALL the information provided. Most importantly, note the rules and regulations specific to the event and the race track. Complete your entry form in its entirety and return it to the person listed. Make absolutely certain your personal driving equipment, (i.e., Helmet, Driving Suit, Gloves/Shoes, etc.) is in good order, and that your car is race-ready BEFORE the first on-track sessions. Be punctual for your classroom sessions. These are mandatory.
Make every effort to have a qualified mechanic on hand to ensure your car runs properly, as you successfully must complete all the on-track sessions in order to get credit for the school.

STEP 5 - SCCA Regional Competition License...and Beyond

Upon completion of two Driver Schools and two Regional Races (you’re still a Novice for your first two), you are eligible to receive an SCCA Regional Competition License. You have two years from the date of issue to complete the Novice requirements. Once the requirements are met, send your completed Novice Permit, signed off by the event Chief Steward at your second Regional race; a copy of your Physical Exam; and $75 to the Central Licensing Department. You will soon be the proud owner of a Regional Competition License. After successfully completing four Regional events, you may upgrade to a National Competition License.

If you have Attended, or Plan to Attend, an Accredited Professional Racing School...

jrrc-0949If it's road racing you are interested in, you will most likely have to attend at least two SCCA approved Driver Schools. However, if you attend an accredited racing school, it may count as one, or even both of your required SCCA Drivers Schools.
• If you attend a private racing school before your first SCCA Driver School, the Chief Steward of your SCCA Driver School may waive your second SCCA Driver School.
• If you attend a private racing school after your first SCCA Driver School, you must request a waiver from your Divisional Licensing Administrator. You can obtain the address of your Divisional Licensing Administrator from this web site (or write/call/ the SCCA Central Licensing Department.

NOTE: While the SCCA Driver Schools and private racing schools have similar names, they are somewhat different in scope. A primary goal of an SCCA Drivers School is to teach novices how to race safely and expose them to racing in the SCCA.

• Accredited Driving Schools
• SCCA Regional Driving Schools
• Divisional Licensing Chairman: (See Divisions map to verify your Division ).
• Northern Pacific Division
• Southern Pacific Division
• Rocky Mountain Division
• Central Division
• Midwest Division
• Southwest Division
• Southeast Division
• Great Lakes Division
• Northeast Division

If you Have Previous Racing Experience...

Depending upon your previous racing experience, some or all of your licensing requirements may be waived by the Chief Steward of your SCCA Driver School or by your Divisional Licensing Administrator.

An example: If you are a kart champion and pass your first SCCA Driver School without difficulty, Chief Stewards may waive your second SCCA Driver School. Another example is a driver who previously held an SCCA National license but has not raced for a few years. Depending on this individual's previous racing record and the length of the layoff, it's possible the Divisional Licensing Administrator may waive the driver back to a Regional or National license. Or, the Administrator may require a "retread" to complete a Drivers School or a private racing school before a waiver will be considered. If you have previous racing experience and would like a waiver, document your experience and present your request to your Divisional Licensing Administrator (links listed above).

NOTE: Fees and requirements listed here are subject to change. If you have questions about getting started in Club Racing, please direct them to: Licensing Inquiries - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., General Inquiries - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Technical Inquiries - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at (785) 357-7222 or toll-free at (800) 770-2055. (If sending e-mail, please include your full name, return e-mail address and telephone number in the body of the message).