2011 NEDiv RallyCross (almost) Year End Summary
2011 was the best year ever for SCCA RallyCross in the Northeast Division. There were 6 regions that
hosted events: Central New York, Finger Lakes, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and New
England. Combined, they held a total of 28 events, the most by any division in SCCA. The unfortunate
weather patterns this year led to the cancellation of 8 events. The year is not over yet and there are still
at least 5 more events that have been sanctioned. Of the events that have filed the audits to date, 743
racers have taken to the dirt, averaging 34 entries per event across the division, among the highest in
the country.
New England Region hosted the Eastern States Championship at Stafford Speedway. This was a two day
event with over 100 entries each day. Washington DC Region was scheduled to hold a National
Challenge event but Hurricane Irene and the following days of rain forced that to be cancelled.
NEDiv has 2 members sitting on the National RallyCross Board, Warren Elliott (NER) and Stephen Hyatt
(WDC). Other divisional members also hold leadership roles in the sport. Kathy Moody (NER) is on the
Rules Committee. Harold Denham (NER) is on the Safety Committee. Scott Beliveau is the chairman of
the Divisional Stewards.
The RallyCross National Championships were held at the beginning of October in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
There were 100 entries in the 9 classes, and 10 racers were from NEDiv. Worth mentioning are some of
the top placers from the division. Warren Elliott (NER) captured the Modified AWD class in dominating
fashion. Brent Trail (WDC) and Jim Golden (WDC) were 2nd and 4th in Stock Front, respectively. Hal
Denham (NER) was 5th in Modified 2wd.
There are two regional chairmen that should be recognized for their efforts in 2011. Jared Lantzy has
worked hard in the WDC region to bring consistency and organization to the region. James Quattro has
done an outstanding job expanding the program in the Central New York region.
Breaking down the numbers, 2011:
Total events run: 28 5 still to be run 8 cancelled due to weather
Events by Region: avg entries
Central New York – 6 (+1 more to go) 15
Finger Lakes – 3 (+1 more to go) 8
New York – 2 30
Philadelphia – 4 (+1 more to go) 20
Washington DC – 5 (+1 more to go) 42
New England – 8 (+2 more to go) 56
Looking ahead to 2012:
-Steve Hyatt (RXB) and I have been talking about a divisional championship for 2012. Details still being
-As always, assistance to start a RallyCross program or train safety stewards is just a call away.
Scott Beliveau
North East Division RallyCross Steward
Sports Car Club of America
603-527-2342 (wk days)
603-524-4305 (nites)
603-455-2791 (cell)